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Read Me First

     This is the literary version of the thirty second samples you can hear when shopping for music online: you don't get the entire creation, but a taste of what it's like.  If you're here, you came from Facebook, my page, a note, or a URL scribbled on the wall of a Porta-Potty.
     Keep in mind: the Coital Charade stories are serialized.  The post titles will include the general date in the timeline of the saga, and what gets posted will jump around all over the place.  Don't feel confused if you feel a bit lost: you're missing a whole lotta story.  The idea is you can grasp the tenor of my writing and the characters who will be appearing.  Also, the excerpts will change periodically, old ones will come down and new ones will go up, so don't expect bookmarks to stay valid long.

Book One Now Available!

     The first two Coital Charade collections are available for pre-order through Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, Apple iBooks, Kobi, and others.  (Amazon listing coming soon.)  Release date: 6/15/07.   Purchase through Smashwords (be sure to click "Adult Content" at the top right corner),  or search for "Coital Charade" at other sellers.  Also download a sample for free from both books.

     Don't want to wait?  Go to my Patreon page and become a patron, pledge a measly $5 a month and get the first book (PDF - EPUB - MOBI formats) now!  In fact, your patronage will ensure you're receiving all the new books in advance of the release date.  Patronage will allow me to spend more time at the keyboard, and less time sorting recyclable materials to redeem.  (Current local price for CRV aluminum: $1.62, ask me how I know....)  Be a Patron and get Cool Stuff.

So what are these stories about?

      Well, there's guns, dope, crime, porn, honor, love, punk rock, fast cars, cheap thrills, and carne asada burritos.  All of it percolating in the sunny yellow air of Southern California during the presidency of George H. W. Bush (and beyond).  Cell phones cost a buck a minute to use, the World Wide Web doesn't exist.  Plenty of pay phones, no helmet laws.
     Our two principals are Lenny Schneider and Bekka Luchessi.  When we start out, Lenny is a white suburban punk whose primary income is derived from dealing meth on a large scale.  He's also the still photographer for Inana Productions, a small adult video studio north of San Diego.  His best friend is Bekka, a performer at the studio, screen name: Becky Page.  They have the same fatalism and low-grade cynicism about the world ingrained in most Gen X types, especially those who grew up being soaked with sun and smog in SoCal.  And that's all you need to know about them to start.


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